Room 404 is a wonderful room, full of gadgets, websites, technologies, games, films, TV series, and more. It’s just that the world has forgotten about them. But not the geeks. So this is their chance to talk to the webmaster of Room 404 to bring back what once was lost into the public eye.
Room 404 was a short run series, debuting in 2011 following a slightly tounge-in-cheek posting on the popular B3TA newsletter:
Things we’d really like to see include Room 404 – a podcast where nerdy guests chat about 10 websites / technologies that aren’t there any more but were aces. This week Sir Clive on the QL, wobbly ram packs and the now closed Spearmint Rhino website.
One week later, we offered B3TA our version of what they wanted to see, and they kindly listed it in the newsletter:
Room 404 is a podcast, where nerdy guests talk about four vintage gadgets they’d like to recover from the vaults of Room 404, plus one current techy thing they’d like to consign to oblivion. “To be honest grabbing some geeks on Skype and getting them to talk wistfully about old computers is pretty easy,” confesses Ewan. Still, this is a rare instance of somebody making one of the things we ask for at the end of the newsletter, so massive kudos to him.
Room 404 continues to be an intriguing idea that may or may not return in the future. For now, here are some of the episodes from that first run in 2011.
All Episodes
April 14, 2011
Season 1
Episode 11
Creator of the award-winning film series Life In Perpetual Beta and (in her words) hundreds of other less well-known good ideas, it’s time for Melissa Pierce to join in with the increasingly popular Room 404. Which old gadgets, techs and principles would she like to see brought back into the modern world, and should anything we use today be banished to the room of things that time forgot?
April 7, 2011
Season 1
Episode 10
Sarah Blow heads into the depths of Room 404 this week, and she has a bundle of “education” to try and bring back for the rest of the world to enjoy once more.
March 31, 2011
Season 1
Episode 9
This week it’s the turn of Sascha Pallenberg to be welcomed into the depths of Room 404 and try to bring back to the world the forgotten technology of the past. While Sascha today is focused on tablets and netbooks (at his wish list shows him to be more of a gamer and sharer.
March 23, 2011
Season 1
Episode 8
James Whatley (@whatleydude) from 1000heads enters Room 404 this week, clutching a list of memories, gadgets, tech and TV shows that he wants to bring back to the public. Can he convince Ewan Spence of their merits?
March 17, 2011
Season 1
Episode 7
Kevin Marks has a big CV. From being one of the founders of microformats and sitting on the Advisroy council of ORG (the UK Digital Rights Group), to working for Technorati, Google and British Telecom, he has a rich history to pick from. Now he’ll attempt to bring back his favourite memories from Room 404, and replace them with some modern technology that he’d rather the world forgets.
March 10, 2011
Season 1
Episode 6
Steve Paine, better known as Chippy in tech circles, runs Carrypad, a well-respected site for tablet and portable computing. And he’s got some horrors he wants to be brought back out of Room 404.
March 3, 2011
Season 1
Episode 5
Matthew Cashmore ventures in to Room 404 to try and bring out his fondly remembered pieces of technology, and smuggle in something modern to the room that time forgot. But if he’s not careful, he’s going to cause a paradox with his list of items:
February 24, 2011
Season 1
Episode 4
Dave Delaney is this week’s guest, and ventures into Room 404 to bring back some of the great memories of his childhood, the first wave of podcasting, and reckons he has a solution to all the light-induced headaches he’s having. But will he be able to convince webmaster Ewan Spence to let them out?
February 16, 2011
Episode 3
This week, Yoz Grahame joins me to do his best to return his favourite gadgets, software and web services to be brought back out of Room 404. Currently working for Linden Lab, Yoz’s CV includes consulting for The IT Crowd and The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Starship Titanic, and Douglas Adams’ Digital Village.