The Interview

Interesting people, extraordinary lives, and exciting stories. This is The Interview.

Hosted ByEwan Spence

The Interview is the quintessential podcast format. With over two decades of interviews, my personal archive is full of interesting people, extraordinary lives, and exciting stories. This is a chance to free the interviews and bring them to you again.

Who knows, I might even mix in some new interviews as well.

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All Episodes

The Interview – Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, along with Bob Kahn, developed TCP/IP, the communications protocol that lies at the heart of the Internet. Without that, nothing works, hence many calling Cerf and Kahn the fathers of the Internet.

When he joined Google, after he was talked out of working as an Archduke, was given the title of Chief Internet Evangelist. We talked about the design of the Internet and how its open nature was achieved, reaching the last billion users and using the Internet for education

The Interview – Gene Cernan, The Last Man To Walk On The Moon

Director Mark Craig and retired astronaut Gene Cernan to talk about the documentary film ‘The Last Man On The Moon.’